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9 Ball Arcade
Run Outs

The number of run outs achieved. Run outs are when you break and clear without the opponent playing a shot (known as Earned Run Outs in 8 ball).

Pos. Name Picture Country Run Outs
1 cowboy3969 cowboy3969 United States 5,162
2 sunk_seven sunk_seven United Kingdom 2,407
3 jimfaebod jimfaebod Scotland 2,317
4 horse10000 horse10000 Scotland 1,936
5 white white Canada 1,558
6 mcpooldude mcpooldude unspecified 1,529
7 hippesville hippesville United Kingdom 1,033
8 mdj mdj England 942
9 abfatboy abfatboy United Kingdom 914
10 silence_hill silence_hill Australia 905
11 jimmy_ Scotland 768
12 thepoolshark England 752
13 newborn Thailand 747
14 tronk789 England 678
15 naz unspecified 675
16 toosick England 664
17 superflow unspecified 612
18 dvz United Kingdom 536
19 n0trespondin Madagascar 534
20 1898p Kiribati 531
21 captain_a United Kingdom 520
22 _pro__frog_ England 498
23 ab_rfc Scotland 460
24 lordpool Germany 427
25 madmick22 England 420
26 rackrunner unspecified 397
27 koster Denmark 394
28 nathyboy England 392
29 nick Switzerland 387
30 dwaz61 England 384
31 dtp_43 unspecified 381
32 billlumbergh unspecified 376
33 bri1974 United Kingdom 374
34 emyles693 unspecified 372
35 slimeball Thailand 364
36 jmcc1960 Scotland 355
37 kris Estonia 349
38 cider_man Ireland 342
39 arcadez England 337
40 _yamaha_r1 United States 318
41 luke_noword unspecified 313
42 chaos_ Australia 311
43 onua0767 Canada 310
44 signify United Kingdom 302
45 kingpooluk20 United Kingdom 292
46 _payback_ England 288
47 w_hoolahan England 286
48 devrueh Netherlands 284
49 joe_castello Croatia (Hrvatska) 281
50 thegiscool unspecified 275
This page was generated 13:37 Tue 18 Feb 25 (GMT).