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9 Ball Arcade
Golden Breaks

Golden breaks is when the user potted the nine ball on the break to win the rack.

Pos. Name Picture Country Golden Breaks
1cowboy3969cowboy3969 United States 908
2sunk_sevensunk_seven United Kingdom 837
3jimfaebodjimfaebod Scotland 316
4whitewhite Canada 241
5naznaz unspecified 175
6abfatboyabfatboy United Kingdom 164
7horse10000horse10000 Scotland 162
8newbornnewborn Thailand 133
9nathyboynathyboy England 124
10_yamaha_r1_yamaha_r1 United States 117
11captain_aUnited Kingdom 115
12mcpooldudeunspecified 109
13toosickEngland 102
14sonomasteveUnited States 100
15jimmy_Scotland 95
16tronk789England 95
171898pKiribati 93
18luke_nowordunspecified 89
19thepoolsharkEngland 81
20thegiscoolunspecified 78
21n0trespondinMadagascar 77
22silence_hillEngland 77
23dtp_43unspecified 76
24kosterDenmark 76
25hippesvilleUnited Kingdom 72
26mdjEngland 72
27hustler_1987England 67
28joe_castelloCroatia (Hrvatska) 67
29signifyUnited Kingdom 65
30madmick22England 64
31emyles693unspecified 62
32chaos_Australia 60
33superflowunspecified 60
34poolbiirdEngland 58
35arcadezEngland 54
36rackrunnerunspecified 50
37billlumberghunspecified 49
38_pro__frog_England 49
39krisEstonia 48
40dwaz61England 47
41feej99unspecified 46
42cider_manIreland 45
43lordpoolGermany 45
44breadmanmtlCanada 44
45taggyCanada 43
46publicenemyunspecified 42
47lewis1England 38
48kingpooluk20United Kingdom 37
49mapofrankGermany 36
50poolbusterScotland 36
This page was generated 16:31 Sat 18 Jan 25 (GMT).